Each new year brings a new wave of inspiration, creativity, and opportunity to anyone who desires a fresh start. Below are eight simple, yet powerful things you can do that will start your year off with a renewed sense of momentum, clarity, and focus.
1. Review
Before you jump head first into the new year, honor the previous year by taking time to reflect and review. It is from your reflection that will create your path forward with a renewed and clear sense of direction. Journal on the following questions, and add in others as you see fit:
What areas did you succeed and grow in?
What challenges did you overcome?
What goals or milestones are you proud of?
Who were the people that made an impact in your life?
How did you make an impact in the lives of others?
Where do you feel like you fell short? What can you still improve on?
What are you grateful for?
2. Declutter
Now is the perfect time to organize your living space to create a healthy, clean, and supporting environment. Donate old clothes, clean your pantry, organize your junk drawer, or file away those stacks of papers that have been sitting on your desk the last few months. In getting rid of the old, you make room for all the new that is to come.
3. Detox
While physical detox is important, a mental and emotional detox is just as vital. Take inventory in all areas of life that would serve from a detox. This can include changing old habits, ending toxic relationships, letting go of limiting beliefs, and eliminating poor nutritional choices. After you have made your list, make the decision to honor your detox so that you can move forward with only the people and things that serve you.
4. Exercise
Treat your body to a nice walk, run, bike ride, yoga, or workout. Getting your body moving you will increase endorphins and momentum for the days, weeks, and months ahead.
5. Budget
Now is a great time to go over your finances. What good investments did you make this year? Where can you save more money next year? What sort of weekly and monthly budget would you like to stick to?
6. Define your values
Create a list of values that are important to you and use them as guidelines for how you conduct your life. When you honor and adhere to your virtues, you will create a life of health, balance, and virtue in all things.
7. Set your New Year’s intentions and goals
Nothing is more motivating than having a clear plan of attack for next year. Set aside some time to journal the following, and add to it as you see fit:
How you would like to physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually feel next year?
What do you hope to accomplish?
How do you want to make an impact in the world?
How can you prioritize self-care?
What kind of money would you like to make or save?
What new things would you like to learn or try?
Where would you like to travel and explore?
What sort of routines and habits do you want to cultivate?
In what areas would you like to grow and improve in?
Put your goals in a safe place that you can refer to often for extra focus and accountability.
8. Make a vision board
A vision board is something that serves as a daily reminder for the life you hope to embody. Fill your vision board with powerful quotes, clear intentions, and inspiring photos that inspire and motivate you each and every day.
As you enter this new year, remember that you are the CEO of your life- you get decide how wish to live it. I wish you nothing but success, vitality, and growth in the days ahead. Cheers to the new year and a new you!

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